Beauty & Style

Fruit Beauty
Dry fruits like apricot, raisin or dates are good for exfoliation and radiance. Their basic nature is to improve the blood circulation so as an extract they improver the skin tone. Apricot, considering its nature is the best body scrub as a key ingredient.
Papaya is a great source of vitamin C so as an extract in any beauty product it helps in skin
nourishment and making it supple and blemish free. Fruits like apple, lemon, orange and pomegranate are used as essential extracts for winter skincare products as they help in improving texture, moisturizing and making your skin smooth. Some assume if its natural, it is surely not effective and, some assume just the opposite. Natural products are often more effective compared to chemical based products. It is just that they go expensive in terms of processing so the easy option is chemical.
For long we have worn mercury, lead and copper, acid kind ingredients on our delicate lips, eyes and skin. Had enough of chemical ingredients in your beauty products? Done with artificial resources in your skin care regime? Well, it’s time to know the flora and fauna around you that can bring miraculous results onyour skin. We all know the importance of fruits for our health. It is time to understand their benefits for our skin too. Natural and organic has been in air for quite some time. But fruits specially, have not much been talked about.
Bioactive Ingredients
That’s the generic term related to products that have the extracts of the food that we eat. It can be both fruits and vegetables. “When we say natural products it means the product should have the extracts of fruits in the purest form. Each fruit has a particular nature, it can work as an anti-oxidant for skin, can stop hair fall, help in skin repair and many more. So fruit ingredients work in many ways in terms of skin and hair care. Make sure to see the details and then only buy the product,” says Natasha Shah, Owner, The Nature’s Co. She further adds, “The trends are changing gradually and even the international brands are realising the importance of fruits. When we talk about fruits the citrus nature ones’ work wonders on skin and on hair by making then shiny.”
The Benefits
Fruits are good in any form to our body. Whether you eat them raw, or apply their extract or pulp on skin or use the beauty products with fruits in them. Their extract helps right from skin firming, toning, exfoliating, whitening to anti-aging. Not necessarily one has to go for fruit products only. If one has a balanced diet and a regular habit of eating all those fruits that offer various benefits, you might not require a product for a superficial application. But always remember that the products are always useful when you are stressed and not in a regular habit of skincare.
Face Wash by Tathaastu
Price Range: On Request
The product has orange and honey extract which makes your skin clear and soft. The citrus nature of the fruit helps in firming your skin so it gives a nice radiance to your delicate skin.
Body Scrub by Oriflame
Price Range: Rs. 379
Well, as we know the exfoliation effect, removal of dead skin and impurities, this body scrub with toning pink grapefruit and ginkgo works on your skin leaving it smooth at the same. With the help of fruit ingredients the product doesn’t leave
any harsh chemical effect on your skin.
Lemon face Butter by Iraya
Price Range: Rs. 225
A fruit whichis citrius in nature will surely work wonders on your skin. Done with your face wash? Apply this butter and make your skin moisturized immediately. Best is, you won’t feel any tingy touch post application!

Dairy Products: For All Seasons and For Healthy Reasons

You might have taken birth with healthy skin but eating food with no nutrients may damage it. There should be a proper balanced diet in right proportions of vitamins, proteins, minerals, calcium carbohydrates and fats. Apart from including green vegetables, sprouts and salads, one should also go for dairy products like curd, yoghurt, skimmed milk etc to keep intestines clean and skin flawless.
For the Pristine Look
Dairy products such as milk, cheese and yoghurt are important sources of protein, calcium and vitamins. Low – fat dairy products have higher protein and more benefits. Products like milk and yoghurt have enzymes that naturally exfoliate dead skin cells. Milk has been used for years, now, to beautify the skin. Egg whites make an excellent mask and pore reducer. Utilizing milk and curd in their original form or with other things in order to prepare a paste, they prove to be a boon to the skin making it soft, smooth and revitalized. Vitamin A is the most important component of skin health. Low – fat dairy products being its richest source. Anything that helps keep digestion normal, any live bacteria or enzymes is also going to be reflected in healthy looking skin.
Get Rid of the ‘Unwanted’
These products are also beneficial for most of the health problems as well. Yoghurt and skimmed milk, for instance, can assist in weight loss and the belly fat. The more calcium there is in fat cells, the more fat the cell will burn and the greater will be the weight loss. They also help you to have an increased muscle tone, improved immune system, in preventing cancer, in regulating blood Pressure, blood clotting etc. As these products are rich in calcium, they help in maintaining strong bones and lower the risk of osteoporosis. Milk may also protect you against heart – attacks, strokes and diabetes.
Eating healthy overall is the best way to improve your skin; however including these dairy products in your healthy skin diet will improve your skin’s health significantly. A healthy skin not only boosts your confidence but also helps you to stay fit by keeping infectious agents away from your body.

The 8 great product tips for your skin

Hey – your epidermis is showing – all 20 square feet of it. And keeping it in showroom shape is no easy task. You could be battling breakouts, sun damage, dryness, irritation, unwanted hair, or all of the above.
The good news: you’ll grow nearly 1 000 new layers of skin throughout your lifetime, so you’ve got plenty of chances to make sure it’s smooth and glowing.
To help, we sifted through the latest research and talked to lots of dermatology experts to come up with the 8 best product tips. Follow them and your skin will look so great you’ll want to walk around naked (but don’t, unless you’re wearing sunscreen).
Cover your mouth
We’re talking about a lip balm with UV protection, not ruby red lipstick. Your lips (along with your eye area and upper chest) have some of the thinnest skin on your body, so they need extra shielding.
“When skin cancer originates from the lips, it’s especially aggressive and has a higher risk of spreading,” says dermatologist Erin Welch. Guard your smackers by stocking up on balms with sunscreen.
Shine up those shins
Smooth legs are sexy – and good for your health. “Cuts, scratches and scrapes below the knee take a long time to heal and can be prone to infection, since they’re an easy entry point for germs,” says dermatologist Doris Day.
Prevent the little cracks that allow bacteria to enter your skin by smoothing on a moisturising cream every night; to prevent nicks, use a razor with built-in moisture strips; and don’t shave your legs for two or three days before a pedicure (salon whirlpool footbaths can be a breeding ground for bacteria).

There are more skincare products claiming to be “natural” or “organic” than there are reality-TV stars.
Go au naturel
If environmental and purity standards are important to you, consider buying products made in Europe. Companies overseas making eco claims trace ingredients back to their sources to verify their natural origins. One of the brands that does: Dr Hauschka Skincare.Locally you can try Esse.
Rise, but don’t shine

Sleep on this: while you’re logging quality snooze time, havoc may be breaking out on your face.
Hormonal surges during sleep cause your sebaceous glands to pump oil – and about 14 hours later, you end up shiny. Those cursed with oily skin and breakouts can fight acne and grease slicks before they strike with an overnight treatment.
Use An Anti-Ager Now!

Don't wait for the first crow's feet to appear before you reach for that little tube. "Even women in their twenties should be using a topical retinoid – unless they're pregnant or nursing," says dermatologist Francesca Fusco.
Here's Why: retinoids, which contain vitamin A, are one of the most potent agents for preventing and reversing sun damage and signs of ageing. And, says Hirsch, “they’re the ultimate multitasker. They speed skin renewal by shedding dull, pore-clogging cells and increase collagen production to prevent wrinkles.”
Ask your doctor about a retinoid prescription or try an OTC.
Don’t wash money down the drain

“There’s no need to buy an expensive cleanser loaded with fancy ingredients,” says photobiologist Daniel Yarosh, author of The New Science of Perfect Skin. “They’re on your skin for less than a minute, so they don’t have time to really do anything.”
Adding injury to insult: some pricey ingredients can actually cause irritation (that would be you, peppermint and eucalyptus). Start with inexpensive face washes and see-through glycerine soaps. They remove dirt, oil and dead skin cells without stripping away your skin’s natural (and necessary) oils.